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 Australian False
    Memory Association (Incorporated)

Statement Of The AFMA


The Australian False Memory Association
abhors any form of child abuse, and is only against unjust and unfounded accusations of abuse.

The Australian False Memory Association has been formed to support families affected by recovered false memories. False Memory is the phenomenon when the person recovering the memories believes them to be true when they are not. The recovered memories frequently relate to child sexual abuse and these memories often emerge after adult children seek therapy for various reasons, such as depression, lack of self-esteem, eating disorders or drug dependency.

The Australian False Memory Association abhors any form of child abuse, and is only against unjust and unfounded accusations of abuse.

We aim to bring the problem of the damage being inflicted on ordinary Australians into the open so the public may be aware of the dangers.

We work for the reconciliation of families affected by false recovered memories, the advancement of understanding of the phenomenon and justice for all those involved in past or future accusations.

Although we are grateful for the advice and encouragement of similar organisations in other countries, the AFMA is not affiliated with any other organisation in Australia or overseas.


Australian False Memory
    Association (Incorporated)

Australian False Memory Association
Caring for Individuals and Families

Email the AFMA at false.memory@bigpond.com

PO Box 74
Campbelltown SA 5074

Ph: 1300 88 88 77

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