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 Australian False
    Memory Association (Incorporated)

 Message to Those who have Recovered Memories


The Australian False Memory Association abhors child abuse.

Truth is important for all. For the abused, the falsely accused, and those who recover false memories.

The AFMA represents grieving individuals and their families, accused by a either a family-member, acquaintance, or stranger. Irrespective of gender, age, race or creed, AFMA places the welfare of the individual and their family above that of any ideology. Including those who have come to genuinely believe in their "recovered memories", the falsely accused, and their families. Our own offspring, our own flesh and blood.

We accept the reality of the genuine distress of individuals who have come to truly believe they were abused, following the "recovery of false repressed/ dissociated memories." Resentments and misunderstandings occur. Only the interpretation and beliefs associated with the "recovered memory experience", is the subject of our reasonable doubts.

Our concern is as much for the welfare of those who eventually come to realise that their life and relationships have become distorted by a mis-informed, or mis-guided, belief. Recovering the "memories" is dreadful enough, let alone coming to the later realisation that these are wrong. We are especially aware of the precarious emotional situation of individuals, now estranged from the very persons who have unconditionally cared for them in the past. You are our children, grand children, brothers and sisters.

The AFMA does not wish for any more casualties. Your "recovered memory experience" needs to be understood, not to be the subject of ceaseless conflict. Through knowledge, communication, honesty, and awareness of the feelings and views of others, the initial steps towards reconciliation can occur.

Reconciliation is only sought in the spirit of understanding and truth.


Australian False Memory
    Association (Incorporated)

Australian False Memory Association
Caring for Individuals and Families

Email the AFMA at false.memory@bigpond.com

PO Box 74
Campbelltown SA 5074

Ph: 1300 88 88 77

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